Airsoft And Paintball Gear

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Paintball Barrels
Paintball Barrels are one of the most popular upgrades availabe for many paintballers. Adding a new paintball barrel to your gun can provide you with greater accuracy, range, and versitility at your next paintball outing. The key to selecting the right barrel for your paintball gun is knowing what length and material will fit best with your paintball gear.
Ceramic Paintball Barrel
Some of the most popular Paintball Barrels are manufactured from ceramic. Ceramic is a great choice for many paintballers becuase it is self cleaning which will remove any grit or gathered dust or dirt from the barrel while out in the field. It will also reduce friction between the barrel and the ball so your shots will land on their target with greater accuracty and range. If you are looking for your first upgrade for your paintball gun, a ceramic barrel might be the best choice for you. It's simple to change, affordable, and will provide the best bang for your buck.
J&J Performace Barrels
J&J makes some of the best stocks and cermaic barrels available on the market today. Their production process including teflon coating on their ceramic barrels keep your paintballs flying down range in an accurate manor. We offer a wide selection of J&J Stock and Barrels for you to choose from at some of the lowest prices you will find on the web. If you have any questions about which barrels will fit your paintball gun please feel free to give us a call. We would be happy to discuss specific configurations with you.